Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Sooooo, since I feel guilty (And missed yesterday due to lack of scanner access AGAIN *guilty feelings*) Here's another pencil update. Once again, I'll try to find time to fix it up later. Love you guys and sorry for the insanity the past two weeks!

Page 14-We're All Guilty of This

I apologize for the not weekend update. Campus Movie Fest took more of my time away from scanner than I'd anticipated. So.. Umm.... Sorry, I'll sharpie/color it later, but at least you have the update! :D

Friday, March 26, 2010



So, in case that wasn't enough to tell you what's going on, I'm having trouble uploading (again). I'm working on it, I'm sorry! :(

I apologize for that delay. I also apologize for the bad scanning quality; this is an older comic (one of the first I made) that I've been waiting to update until you started to get to know Kurt, Lisa and Jaynie.

I hope you enjoy! Also, this weekend will have a surprise update. Keep your eyes peeled.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Page 12-Kurt's Such a Fangirl

So, I know this is a really crappy comic. I forgot my notebook and supplies when I went to class, and went CRAP! COMIC! So I drew it on the back of an old Tess of the D'Urbervilles Quiz that was in the only folder I had with me.

Don't forget to keep an eye out for a surprise comic! (And the quality this week might suck, I'm working on a movie for CampusMovieFest.

This update is being late because wireless is evil.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Page 11-Not Everyone Lives Like A Beatnick

Soooo..... Sorry about the lack of update Friday =/ Here's what happened: I just didn't have time to actually post the comic. I got it from my apartment while running errands Thursday and was all proud of myself for getting the update in time, and then Friday.... Surprise busyness occurred. SO.... To make it up to you guys, at some point this week will be a SURPRISE UPDATE GHOSTY WOOOOOO NOISE!

Anyway, I apologize, this one's old, so rough around the edges and not in color and while I'm still figuring out what certain characters look like, but it's chronologically in order for how we meet the characters, so deal with it. XD

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

No Storyline update today, Friday I don't know yet :(

I apologize beyond belief for this, but today I will be unable to update LooseLeaf Lovers because I am an idiot and forgot to pack my updates folder. And by this I mean that my plans to pick it up today on campus have been postponed either until further notice or just isn't happening in time for Friday's update as well. I promise to find a way to make it up to you guys, and you have no idea how mad I am at myself. So please don't be mad :(

However, I do have one thing for you guys that's new! Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Page 10-Always Nice to Have a Friend

Yay we've reached PAGE TEN! For someone who never thought she'd do a webcomic, this is a very big deal. Anyway, first off, sorry the update is late in the day. However, I have some reasons. One, I woke up very close to noon this morning, had to feed myself, and have been working on A) the update and B) getting my phone back since it went MIA but the police found it. I also had to deal with C) Technical difficulties that made it take a really long time to update this page.

Sorry if the update seems sloppy, I was in a rush to make it, and I needed to to make the next update make sense. Only I just realized I left the folder with Wednesday's update on campus. Go figure -.- Anyway, ENJOY!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Page 9--Warning: Keats Fangirls May Squee at Deafening Pitches

And, once again, we see just how much of myself goes into these various characters. You haven't seen it yet, but Jaynie's crazy, Lisa's a Keats fangirl, and Kurt's thinking of teaching. Oh, and the fact that they're all English Majors and taking half the classes I am..... *sigh* Hey, they say write what you know... I guess that means doodle what you know as well.

In other news.... SPRING BREAK! I will try to make sure I still update each day that I'm supposed to but be warned, I have no idea how many updates I'll have to post that actually follow the storyline I have set up. At this point, the characters you need to know have been introduced, so I don't need to depend on a plotline at the moment anywho. Happy Weekend! =D

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Page 8-It's Cursed, I SWEAR!!!!!

Seriously, Mackers? It's totally cursed! http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/column.php?id=160421

In other news, It looks like I'm always updating later on Wednesdays....

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Page 7- I will try not to do blatant QC knockoffs

Yay! New page! And IN COLOR! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Jeanette for the generous gift of colored fine point sharpies! So parts of this I messed up 'cause I forgot to do the right color, but I'll try not to let that happen next time!

So in case you couldn't tell, I love Questionable Content. And the last panel is somewhat reminiscent of this page: http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1425

Friday, March 5, 2010

Page 6- Umm......

Yay, new page! So the angel you see there was labeled "Angel of Confidence" at first, but it was tricky to actually add that when I used a sharpie to ink the page (also, sorry for the smudgy, shadowyness of the scan. The page got a little bent at points, so the scanner picked up shadows or something -.-). Aaaaand we have a shoutout for today's LooseLeaf Lovers update! Shoutout to Mem for the awesome logo banner thing on the top of the page! Yay Mem!

In other news: Happy Weekend! Have a misadventure of some sort!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Page 5--Don't Doubt the Coffee Gods

Page Five is up and I hope it doesn't normally get posted in the early evenings on Wednesdays. I just didn't get a chance to scan it until later today. Anyway, enjoy!

In other news....There's no more Olympic figure skating to squee about,and the next Broadways show to squee about isn't happening right away xD

Monday, March 1, 2010

Page 4-...*sigh*

Page four, Yay! So glad I drew this one earlier last week. I have a few other comics too, but not in chronological order *gulps nervously* Looks like I'm doodling in class again... XD By the way, the girl who clearly has a crush on Kurt? Don't worry, you'll see more of her.

In other news, I saw Next to Normal, thanks to Rutgers making everyone cancel events and classes on Friday night, and their special Snowday deal of forty dollar tickets. It was incredible, and I highly recommend you see it. Alice Ripley got a Tony for her role as a bipolar mother in that show for a reason; she's amazing!