Friday, February 26, 2010

Page 3-Oh, those feminine wiles...

Ok, so good news! PAGE THREE. Other news: I've decided I have enough ideas *coughtimeswhereI'mboredinclassandmakingacomiccough* to have an update schedule of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Until finals steal my soul and I sob. Then there might be less (or more, depending on what I'm studying for).

So, one of the speech bubbles didn't scan well, so I fixed it on Paint. Hope it works ok now! (Thank you to Mem for helping me figure some stuff out for the background in the comic, and everyone who saw this pre scanning and caught my grammar and spelling fails in Kurt's speech bubble. Which ended up fail scanning anyway XD But yay, shout outs!)

And, in other news: OMIGOD OLYMPIC FIGURE SKATING! EEEEEE! The final group did some of the best skating I've seen since staying up late in sixth grade to watch the 2002 Olympics so I wouldn't miss Michelle Kwan.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Page 2-- Reading is Sexy

So, I'm posting page two. It's in pencil, if that makes it hard to read, I'm sorry, I'll fix it if it's a problem. I'm trying to see what stuff works and what doesn't for this; and trying to make up for my late start at this. -.- I'll post a character guide at some point in the next few weeks if possible.

In other news, midterms and studying=KILL ME NOW

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Page 1-Avenue Q style crisis?

In case you can't tell, I like musicals. Just a warning.

And have you been following the Olympics? 'CAUSE HOLY COW, I just saw an AWESOME SHORT PROGRAM skated to JAMES BOND. And our two lovely American ladies are in the top six after short programs! Congrats, all the lovely Olympic ladies, on a fantastic first night! ♥

I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, I know, I said I'd post by Wednesday about TWO weeks ago.... You see, I was in a show.... And it was tech week.... And I'm in six classes, three of which are reading heavy classes, another of which is a math class (and I suck at math) and one of which requires me to see a LOT of plays.... Oh, and I also have a job that requires 12 hours of work a week.... Oops...... I'll try not to let this happen.

The good news is I have a few strips done or only requiring some form of ink on them to make them easier to read, so I have a little updating ability starting. So here's the deal. I have an apology picture of me explaining why I didn't start as soon as I meant to, and in a few minutes I'll be updating the first page!

(BTW... This has no darker inks, it's a pencil sketch, sorry)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So, this is the home of my sort-kind-of webcomic that I'm going to try doing. Welcome to the world of Looseleaf Lovers, a comic drawn entirely on looseleaf paper while bored in class, avoiding homework, or while finding something to do between classes. Well, that's the concept behind the artwork, anyway. For all I know, I'll be drawing it during free time too!

Looseleaf Lovers is a slice of life webcomic that tells the story of a group of English majors as they struggle with the typical college student struggles: Caffeine addictions, those crappy writing classes you have to take, all nighters, romantic drama, and trying to decide what to do with your life. I am drawing this by hand, using pencils, sharpies, whatever I can that will scan well and show up on my laptop. This is my first time doing something with any comic/drawings of mine, and I am no art student, so please, bear with me. I am a struggling English major myself, and want to show the fun and not so fun points of college to others.

My goal is to start with updates definitely being posted by Wednesdays. Some weeks might have more than others, I'm not sure. It honestly will depend on a few things: If there's a lull in my school work, whether I'm in a show or concert that is going through tech week at the moment, finals or midterms, big papers due... It honestly depends. I'll try and figure out a schedule to stick to soon, though.

In a bit, I'll have the first comic or two up! Enjoy!