In case you can't tell, I like musicals. Just a warning.
And have you been following the Olympics? 'CAUSE HOLY COW, I just saw an AWESOME SHORT PROGRAM skated to JAMES BOND. And our two lovely American ladies are in the top six after short programs! Congrats, all the lovely Olympic ladies, on a fantastic first night! ♥
Hi Rose! I'm following your blog! (BTW, this is that facebook friend of yours from creative writing class who is now in law school) I have a blog on here too, called Jane E's Days. I'm making it Jane Eyre for the Twilight generation (except less emo than Twilight). find it at janeedays.blogspot.com . Great Job!
Awesome, thanks! I'm totally following you now! =D
Hi Rose! This is a friend whose Princeton on Avenue Q - I'm excited to see where your comic goes! It sounds like my life :-)
Princeton is a character in the musical Avenue Q who has a song where he wonders what to do with his life, asking "What do you do with a B.A. in English? Where is my life going to be? Four years of college, and plenty of knowledge have earned me this useless degree. I can't pay the bills yet, 'cause I have no skills yet..."
Of course, a B.A. in English is actually pretty useful, the question is what do you want to do with it. But it's a fun song, and asks a question pretty much every relative will ask you at some point if you say you're an English major.
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