Ok, so good news! PAGE THREE. Other news: I've decided I have enough ideas *coughtimeswhereI'mboredinclassandmakingacomiccough* to have an update schedule of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Until finals steal my soul and I sob. Then there might be less (or more, depending on what I'm studying for).
So, one of the speech bubbles didn't scan well, so I fixed it on Paint. Hope it works ok now! (Thank you to Mem for helping me figure some stuff out for the background in the comic, and everyone who saw this pre scanning and caught my grammar and spelling fails in Kurt's speech bubble. Which ended up fail scanning anyway XD But yay, shout outs!)
And, in other news: OMIGOD OLYMPIC FIGURE SKATING! EEEEEE! The final group did some of the best skating I've seen since staying up late in sixth grade to watch the 2002 Olympics so I wouldn't miss Michelle Kwan.