Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Drowning in Schoolwork

I decided to actually let y'all know no actual update today as opposed to disappearing.

Now I'm going back to writing my huge midterm exam paper thing. Toodles.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Page 24-'Cause It's Important To Look Uninterested, I Guess

Yep. Lisa is set for a date. Well, she's mentally prepared. We think, anyway. Fashion wise, what's a girl to wear to a date she's not interested in going on anyway?

I apologize for the update being so late. By the time my brain would go CRAP COMIC on update days, and other days, it was too late to do much. But I am using some new markers. Tell me what you think of them?

Why I Haven't Been Able to Update The Past Two Weeks (SORRY!)

'Nuff said.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Page 23-Awww, Kurt is Still Shocked

I just really like drawing Kurt in a state of shock. It's fun to draw and I personally find it adorable. But yeah. Enjoy the comic. It's the last one you'll see the Blue Sun shirt in for a while. It is really tricky to draw after a while. For instance, as I type this, I realize I forgot to add the bottom half of the design with (I believe it's) Chinese characters. But It takes too long to deal with and I gotta get to a class. See ya Wednesday!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Page 22-All I Can Say is "Oh, Lisa.."

But yeah. Off to writing some more.... Took a break to update...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Page 21-He Called Her Carrots, I Guess...

For anyone here who has never read Anne of Green Gables, I have to yell at you to read it. Even though many consider it a "children's book" it never fails to delight at any age, and you appreciate different things as you read it at different stages of life (I know this because I usually read it at least once a year, and find new things to appreciate about it). In fact, read the WHOLE SERIES. They're wonderful books.

And Lisa very much relates to Anne about several things, not just hating redhead jokes. Anne's her favorite literary character, probably.

And now, I'm off to write a paper! *skips off to write a paper* *scratch that, whimpers and hides in a corner from the paper topic*

Monday, September 13, 2010

Page 20-I Mean, You Want to Catch Up With EVERYONE You Knew In High School...

New Page, kinda late, my apologies. I was a good girl and finished reading my stuff for class before making the comic instead of doodling as a form of procrastination....

Also, GUYS IT'S PAGE TWENTY OMG!!!!!! New page count landmark, new character... Hopefully this will continue for many comics... And my soul won't be eaten alive by too many things that take away time from LooseLeaf Lovers. Cheers! *takes sip of latte* *just kidding, no more caffeine until tomorrow*

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lack up Idiotic Update...

Yeah... 'Nuff said. There's a 27 dollar ticket deal for students to not only see American Idiot (which I have seen already HOLYCRAPTHETECHWORKISAMAZINGANDHOLYCRAPTHEVOCALS) but TO GET TO GO TO A DISCUSSION AFTER THE SHOW WITH MEMBERS OF GREEN DAY AND THE DIRECTOR. Cool? Y/Y?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Page 19-Kurt Makes Funny Faces When He's Shocked ^__^

Yep. I'm on a crazy panic mode setting, so back to trying to find a way to avoid the massive pile of readings I have for tomorrow.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Page 18- Yeah... Don't Anger Lisa...


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Page 17- College Foreign Language Courses Never Actually Teach The Language

Kurt's currently a big damn hero to Jaynie and his shirt is a shout-out to Firefly that I felt needed to be shouted out. Sorry that it wasn't there on Monday's ep, but at least it's there now!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Page 16-We Need a Caffeine I.V. Stat!

Sorry about the sloppiness of art and update timing. I was hectic with errands today and forgot to update! *headdesk* I'll try to be better about it, I promise. I have roomies who can yell at me to update, so that should help.

I've missed updating pages!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010


Good news! Starting up Monday, LooseLeaf Lovers is BACK! The summer is over, I'm near internet (I was working in a sleepaway camp with no internet AND no time to make comics *coughnoclassestodoodlein*), so far my laptop lives, I have easy access to scanners.... It is now very much possible for LooseLeaf Lovers to update regularly.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

*cricket chirp* Hi again

I'm going to try and start updating soon. I apologize. So by the time I had a working computer, I was in a show that was experiencing Tech Week, and then finals happened. And it's taken me up until a little while ago to actually find where exactly the updates I'd been making went (yes, I had been working on updates during the insanity).

I'm going to try and get updates up again this week. In July, I'll be working at a sleep away camp, so no internet. If things go according to plan, I'm going to try and ask a friend to take care of updates for me.

I promise, when move in to return to campus happens, I'll get everything set up and back to what was starting normality. In the meantime, bear with the improvisations.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Updates should start up again soon, but in the meantime PLEASE READ

So, I just got the new hard drive, so hopefully soon updates will start up again. In the meantime I do have one thing I would like to request to readers.

So, as you know, I was participating in the Campus MovieFest, a challenge to create at least one five minute movie within a week. My team, Flaming Muffin Productions submitted two movies, one of which has made the Top 16 at Rutgers. It isn't going to Regionals... yet. We still have a chance though! If we get enough votes, we can make it to Regionals as RU's Wildcard.

This movie is extremely important to me. It is called Twice A Minute, and it adresses the issue of human trafficking both on a national and international scale. If it gets further, it could qualify for the Elfenworks prize, which is a ten thousand dollar grant awarded to a team who makes a movie adressing issues about poverty, human rights, etc.

I have been trying to help raise awareness about human trafficking since I read Patricia McCormick's book Sold my junior year of high school (If you're friends with me on Facebook, chances are you've seen me post links to Love146 or other groups dedicated to fighting modern day slavery. The prize potential is kind of nice, but that was not my main goal in suggesting we make Twice A Minute. My main goal was to show people a darker side of society that many people either don't know about or are so uncomfortable with that they ignore it. If Twice A Minute gets further in this competition, it means that a wider audience will see this video, and more people will understand what countless women and children are going through every day.

So I have a special request to you, readers. If you could just take four or five minutes of your time, please watch the movie (I'm posting the link at the end of this entry). If you like what you see, help us stand a chance at making Regionals by texting VOTE300 to 41234.

This movie means a lot to me, so I would really appreciate it if you guys would help me out. Love you all!

Here's the link:

Hope to be updating again soon,

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bad News....

First off, I apologize for the lack of updates. I'm in a show, and my week has gotten very hectic. I also have to doubly apologize, because unfortunately, updates are going to be postponed until further notice because not only is it tech week for GODSPELL at Cabaret Theater (CHECK IT OUT IF YOU ARE ON CAMPUS!) but my hard drived died and I have to wait a few days to get a new one. :( I am literally typing this at a computer lab on campus. This really stinks. A lot. :(

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Sooooo, since I feel guilty (And missed yesterday due to lack of scanner access AGAIN *guilty feelings*) Here's another pencil update. Once again, I'll try to find time to fix it up later. Love you guys and sorry for the insanity the past two weeks!

Page 14-We're All Guilty of This

I apologize for the not weekend update. Campus Movie Fest took more of my time away from scanner than I'd anticipated. So.. Umm.... Sorry, I'll sharpie/color it later, but at least you have the update! :D

Friday, March 26, 2010



So, in case that wasn't enough to tell you what's going on, I'm having trouble uploading (again). I'm working on it, I'm sorry! :(

I apologize for that delay. I also apologize for the bad scanning quality; this is an older comic (one of the first I made) that I've been waiting to update until you started to get to know Kurt, Lisa and Jaynie.

I hope you enjoy! Also, this weekend will have a surprise update. Keep your eyes peeled.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Page 12-Kurt's Such a Fangirl

So, I know this is a really crappy comic. I forgot my notebook and supplies when I went to class, and went CRAP! COMIC! So I drew it on the back of an old Tess of the D'Urbervilles Quiz that was in the only folder I had with me.

Don't forget to keep an eye out for a surprise comic! (And the quality this week might suck, I'm working on a movie for CampusMovieFest.

This update is being late because wireless is evil.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Page 11-Not Everyone Lives Like A Beatnick

Soooo..... Sorry about the lack of update Friday =/ Here's what happened: I just didn't have time to actually post the comic. I got it from my apartment while running errands Thursday and was all proud of myself for getting the update in time, and then Friday.... Surprise busyness occurred. SO.... To make it up to you guys, at some point this week will be a SURPRISE UPDATE GHOSTY WOOOOOO NOISE!

Anyway, I apologize, this one's old, so rough around the edges and not in color and while I'm still figuring out what certain characters look like, but it's chronologically in order for how we meet the characters, so deal with it. XD

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

No Storyline update today, Friday I don't know yet :(

I apologize beyond belief for this, but today I will be unable to update LooseLeaf Lovers because I am an idiot and forgot to pack my updates folder. And by this I mean that my plans to pick it up today on campus have been postponed either until further notice or just isn't happening in time for Friday's update as well. I promise to find a way to make it up to you guys, and you have no idea how mad I am at myself. So please don't be mad :(

However, I do have one thing for you guys that's new! Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Page 10-Always Nice to Have a Friend

Yay we've reached PAGE TEN! For someone who never thought she'd do a webcomic, this is a very big deal. Anyway, first off, sorry the update is late in the day. However, I have some reasons. One, I woke up very close to noon this morning, had to feed myself, and have been working on A) the update and B) getting my phone back since it went MIA but the police found it. I also had to deal with C) Technical difficulties that made it take a really long time to update this page.

Sorry if the update seems sloppy, I was in a rush to make it, and I needed to to make the next update make sense. Only I just realized I left the folder with Wednesday's update on campus. Go figure -.- Anyway, ENJOY!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Page 9--Warning: Keats Fangirls May Squee at Deafening Pitches

And, once again, we see just how much of myself goes into these various characters. You haven't seen it yet, but Jaynie's crazy, Lisa's a Keats fangirl, and Kurt's thinking of teaching. Oh, and the fact that they're all English Majors and taking half the classes I am..... *sigh* Hey, they say write what you know... I guess that means doodle what you know as well.

In other news.... SPRING BREAK! I will try to make sure I still update each day that I'm supposed to but be warned, I have no idea how many updates I'll have to post that actually follow the storyline I have set up. At this point, the characters you need to know have been introduced, so I don't need to depend on a plotline at the moment anywho. Happy Weekend! =D

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Page 8-It's Cursed, I SWEAR!!!!!

Seriously, Mackers? It's totally cursed!

In other news, It looks like I'm always updating later on Wednesdays....

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Page 7- I will try not to do blatant QC knockoffs

Yay! New page! And IN COLOR! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Jeanette for the generous gift of colored fine point sharpies! So parts of this I messed up 'cause I forgot to do the right color, but I'll try not to let that happen next time!

So in case you couldn't tell, I love Questionable Content. And the last panel is somewhat reminiscent of this page:

Friday, March 5, 2010

Page 6- Umm......

Yay, new page! So the angel you see there was labeled "Angel of Confidence" at first, but it was tricky to actually add that when I used a sharpie to ink the page (also, sorry for the smudgy, shadowyness of the scan. The page got a little bent at points, so the scanner picked up shadows or something -.-). Aaaaand we have a shoutout for today's LooseLeaf Lovers update! Shoutout to Mem for the awesome logo banner thing on the top of the page! Yay Mem!

In other news: Happy Weekend! Have a misadventure of some sort!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Page 5--Don't Doubt the Coffee Gods

Page Five is up and I hope it doesn't normally get posted in the early evenings on Wednesdays. I just didn't get a chance to scan it until later today. Anyway, enjoy!

In other news....There's no more Olympic figure skating to squee about,and the next Broadways show to squee about isn't happening right away xD

Monday, March 1, 2010

Page 4-...*sigh*

Page four, Yay! So glad I drew this one earlier last week. I have a few other comics too, but not in chronological order *gulps nervously* Looks like I'm doodling in class again... XD By the way, the girl who clearly has a crush on Kurt? Don't worry, you'll see more of her.

In other news, I saw Next to Normal, thanks to Rutgers making everyone cancel events and classes on Friday night, and their special Snowday deal of forty dollar tickets. It was incredible, and I highly recommend you see it. Alice Ripley got a Tony for her role as a bipolar mother in that show for a reason; she's amazing!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Page 3-Oh, those feminine wiles...

Ok, so good news! PAGE THREE. Other news: I've decided I have enough ideas *coughtimeswhereI'mboredinclassandmakingacomiccough* to have an update schedule of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Until finals steal my soul and I sob. Then there might be less (or more, depending on what I'm studying for).

So, one of the speech bubbles didn't scan well, so I fixed it on Paint. Hope it works ok now! (Thank you to Mem for helping me figure some stuff out for the background in the comic, and everyone who saw this pre scanning and caught my grammar and spelling fails in Kurt's speech bubble. Which ended up fail scanning anyway XD But yay, shout outs!)

And, in other news: OMIGOD OLYMPIC FIGURE SKATING! EEEEEE! The final group did some of the best skating I've seen since staying up late in sixth grade to watch the 2002 Olympics so I wouldn't miss Michelle Kwan.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Page 2-- Reading is Sexy

So, I'm posting page two. It's in pencil, if that makes it hard to read, I'm sorry, I'll fix it if it's a problem. I'm trying to see what stuff works and what doesn't for this; and trying to make up for my late start at this. -.- I'll post a character guide at some point in the next few weeks if possible.

In other news, midterms and studying=KILL ME NOW

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Page 1-Avenue Q style crisis?

In case you can't tell, I like musicals. Just a warning.

And have you been following the Olympics? 'CAUSE HOLY COW, I just saw an AWESOME SHORT PROGRAM skated to JAMES BOND. And our two lovely American ladies are in the top six after short programs! Congrats, all the lovely Olympic ladies, on a fantastic first night! ♥

I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, I know, I said I'd post by Wednesday about TWO weeks ago.... You see, I was in a show.... And it was tech week.... And I'm in six classes, three of which are reading heavy classes, another of which is a math class (and I suck at math) and one of which requires me to see a LOT of plays.... Oh, and I also have a job that requires 12 hours of work a week.... Oops...... I'll try not to let this happen.

The good news is I have a few strips done or only requiring some form of ink on them to make them easier to read, so I have a little updating ability starting. So here's the deal. I have an apology picture of me explaining why I didn't start as soon as I meant to, and in a few minutes I'll be updating the first page!

(BTW... This has no darker inks, it's a pencil sketch, sorry)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


So, this is the home of my sort-kind-of webcomic that I'm going to try doing. Welcome to the world of Looseleaf Lovers, a comic drawn entirely on looseleaf paper while bored in class, avoiding homework, or while finding something to do between classes. Well, that's the concept behind the artwork, anyway. For all I know, I'll be drawing it during free time too!

Looseleaf Lovers is a slice of life webcomic that tells the story of a group of English majors as they struggle with the typical college student struggles: Caffeine addictions, those crappy writing classes you have to take, all nighters, romantic drama, and trying to decide what to do with your life. I am drawing this by hand, using pencils, sharpies, whatever I can that will scan well and show up on my laptop. This is my first time doing something with any comic/drawings of mine, and I am no art student, so please, bear with me. I am a struggling English major myself, and want to show the fun and not so fun points of college to others.

My goal is to start with updates definitely being posted by Wednesdays. Some weeks might have more than others, I'm not sure. It honestly will depend on a few things: If there's a lull in my school work, whether I'm in a show or concert that is going through tech week at the moment, finals or midterms, big papers due... It honestly depends. I'll try and figure out a schedule to stick to soon, though.

In a bit, I'll have the first comic or two up! Enjoy!